How does oil extraction affect Indigenous communities?
The Siekopai in Ecuador develop cancer and other health issues from toxic runoff.
By Jonnathan Pulla Velecela
How a Publicly Owned Utility Could Transform Power Generation in the Hudson Valley
M. Elias Dueker, associate professor at Bard College, describes the proposed Hudson Valley Power Authority.
By Lindsay Muscato
Fulfilling New York’s Renewable Energy Promises
Fully implementing the Build Public Renewables Act would propel New York State to decarbonize.
By Luca GoldMansour
The Future of Wind Power Relies in Part on Who Wins the Presidency
Vice President Kamala Harris will likely embrace the clean, renewable energy source, while former President Donald Trump stymies it.
By Jean-Michel Shcherbak
Will a New President Jumpstart the Transition to Electric Vehicles in New York, or Let It Stall?
Charging infrastructure is gradually being built in New York, but consumers are still not quite convinced.
By Noah Kalenda
You Might Need a Dongle to Charge Your Electric Car
As automakers commit to Tesla’s charging port, consumers with incompatible vehicles will need expensive adapters.
By Noah Kalenda
What the Presidential Election Could Mean for Cryptocurrency Mining in New York
Donald Trump has promised to expand cryptocurrency mining.
By Lindsay Muscato
The Fate of the State’s Abandoned Oil Wells May Depend on the Presidential Election
The fate of the state’s abandoned oil wells may depend on the presidential election.
By Cindy Marchionda
Military’s Free Pass
Armed forces—big polluters around the world—don’t have to report emissions
By Anny Oberlink
Is Carbon Capture a Corporate Deception?
Preventing emissions must supersede the industry push to collect CO2
By Audrey Carleton

Reporters & Editors
Clark Adomaitis
Pablo Alvarez
Audrey Carleton
Bruce Gil
Syed Haq
Brenna Holland
Abe Levine
Emily Nadal
Richard Heaton
Cheyenne Ligon
Anny Oberlink
Zack Smith
Aaron Tremper
Faculty Advisers
Climate Correction was produced by students at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY‘s NYCity News Service under the guidance of Emily Laber-Warren, with site advisers Christine McKenna and John Mancini.