A decade after the weather disaster wrought devastation in New York and beyond, what have we learned — and what are we doing to adapt to the growing climate crisis?
MTA’s Electric Bus Chargers Need More Flood Protection, Study Warns
Long after Superstorm Sandy, resilience efforts haven’t caught up to vulnerable NYC streets and bus depots, researchers find.
Superstorm Sandy Takes Lingering Toll on Children ‘Born Into Chaos’
Study suggests kids exposed to the disaster while in the womb have higher risks for depression, anxiety and ADHD.
A Soaked Solution to Storms
New York City’s climate adaptation plan looks to sponge-like surfaces to fight heavy rainfall.
One Lesson From Sandy: Hurricanes Aren’t All Bad for Birds
Ten years after the storm devastated the East Coast, science shows its effects on avian habitat were a surprisingly mixed bag.
Knowing Your Neighbors Could Save You From the Next Climate Disaster
Across the country, communities are relying on mutual aid as a safeguard against extreme weather.

Omari Holgyn, 18, Brooklyn

Brian Keene, 77, Brooklyn

Superstorm Sandy’s Long Wake was produced by students at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY’s NYCity News Service and edited by Wyatt Stayner under the guidance of Emily Laber-Warren and Frida Garza, with site advisers Christine McKenna, John Mancini and Jere Hester.